Rafał Mulek

Recommendations for patients after sclerotherapy
1) Immediately after the surgery it is necessary to walk for about 20-30 minutes.
2) Dressings on limbs that are immobilized by the adhesive are removed 48 hours after surgery.
3) For the first 2 days we should not take off the compression stocking for the night and walk non-stop in it. After this period you can take it off in the evening before going to sleep and put it on in the morning. We wear it for a week.
4) For the first 7 days after sclerotherapy, a life-saving mode is recommended, especially in standing and sitting position with lowered legs. It is advisable not to bend legs (as far as possible) while sitting in the first two days. In the case of long-distance travel, the procedure should be individually determined with your doctor.
5) In case of pain we use cold compresses and basic analgesics (paracetamol, pyralgin, ibuprofen).
6) In case of emergencies, earlier check-up may be necessary.
What can a patient encounter after a sclerotherapy treatment, that should not cause any concern and what should the patient know…
1) After sclerotherapy, the patient has the right to feel pain, such as pulling, stretching, numbness. In such a situation, the patient may take basic pain medications - paracetamol, pyralgin, ibuprofen. After a period of 3 days to a month after the treatment, you may feel "short legs" - it should give way to itself.
2) It is natural that after sclerotherapy hematomas may occur. Over time, however, they change their color and turn into callosity which can be felt under the skin. They are absorbed for 3 to 4 months. Sometimes they may need to be evacuated by a doctor during a routine check-up.
3) After sclerotherapy edemas may appear, which can sometimes last for a year. In this case the procedure is individual.
4) The sclerotherapy process usually requires several sessions. The treatment plan is set for each individual patient. When commencing a therapy, it is important to remember that venous insufficiency is a chronic disease and in the future it may be necessary to repeat therapeutic sessions depending on the rate of disease progression.
5) All other planned treatments and operations, as well as the introduction of new medicines, should be consulted with your doctor.
6) If you are taking medicines that impair blood coagulation - Polocard, Acard, Aspirin, Acesan, Acenocoumarol, Warfin, Sintrom, Clopidogrel, Xarelto, Pradaxa, this should be reported to your doctor for individual treatment.
7) For each meeting please take the compression stockings.